Explosion! Mixed Race Conference

Explosion!, the 9th National Mixed Race Student Conference, will take place on April 22-24, 2005 at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut.

For too long, mixed race bodies and images have been co-opted by both ends of the political spectrum for the purpose of diminishing the racism all people of color experience on a daily basis. Conservatives have argued that the blurring of racial lines eliminates the usefulness of race as a distinguishing social category, while liberals claim that the interracial relationships that produce mixed children are proof that people of color are well integrated into a multicultural society and racial tensions are minimal or nonexistent. Ignited by this gross misappropriation, Explosion! seeks to re-politicize mixed race (self) representations by contextualizing the existence of multiracial people within radical racial discourses.

Through a series of workshops, lectures, and discussions, Explosion! will reclaim mixed experiences as a political reality and problematize the use of our identities to further a global capitalist agenda. By reflecting on our own racial privilege and/or our positions in other progressive social movements, we hope to explode outdated modes of mixed race representation, allowing us to reclaim our voices and further decolonize our collective consciousness.



Directions and Lodging

contact explosion_conference@yahoo.com for more information